映画『The Lost Coin』上映会+ダイアローグ ...2017/09/05...


映画『The Lost Coin』上映会+ダイアローグ vol.3

『 The Lost Coin 』について
2016 / 30min. / ドキュメンタリー / 英語・スペイン語(日本語字幕)

監督・制作・撮影・編集:山岡 瑞子
出演 : エレナ・トドロヴィッチ ほか

New year’s day in Barcelona. A French woman Jelena who is damaged her spinal cord by a falling accident on the coast where she visited with her boyfriend. Since then, their relationship gradually fall apart. Their sex life had changed, and she had to leave from Paris because the city is not kind for a wheel chair user… Mizuko(director) who has the same disability with Jelena followed and filmed her feelings and loneliness.

『The Lost Coin』上映会 vol.3の開催が決定しました。今回は監督・山岡の友人であり、障碍や病いをめぐる対話の場づくりを地域で主催している孫大輔さんをファシリテーターに迎え、上映+ダイアローグ(対話)の会を行います。映画を楽しみたい方にも、またダイアローグの場を体験してみたい方にも、意味のある上映会になれば良いなと思います。ぜひ、ご参加下さい。(山岡瑞子)
“The Lost Coin screening vol.3” will be held. This time, director of Mizuko’s friend,Dr. Son who is hosting a dialogue on disability and illness in the YANESEN- area as a facilitator. It will be a screening + dialogue . I hope that it would be good to have a meaningful screening for those who would like to see the movie and those who would like to experience the dialogue. Please join us!

孫 大輔(医師、みんくるプロデュース代表)
Daisuke Son (M.D., dialogue facilitator)

Open 18:30
Start 19:00
Close 21:00

【参加費*Entry Fee】 ¥1,300(w/One Drink)
【定員*Capacity】  20名(予約推奨)
【場所* Place】  コーツトカフェ COUZT CAFE + SHOP


19:00~19:15 オープニング Opening
19:15~19:45 上映 Screening
19:45~20:00 山岡監督トークセッション Talk Session w/director
20:00~20:50 ダイアローグセッション Dialogue session


『The Lost Coin』の監督:山岡瑞子は、米国での交通事故で頚椎を損傷し、帰国を余儀なくされ、事故以降、車イスを使用しています。
Director of “The Lost Coin”: Mizuko YAMAOKA damaged the cervical vertebrae by a traffic accident in the United States and was forced to return to Japan and has used wheelchairs since the accident.While studying in Denmark in 2008~09, she began film production from her point of view as to what she could do with film.Then,she met a film director & video activist: Yutaka TUCHIYA and influenced by his idea of making film,”I want to transmit by expressing with a small video by myself, beyond that, I want to shake the hearts of those who saw what was visualized by what I would like to ask to the world”. She completed this film as a question to the people.

This film is start from the new year’s day in Barcelona. A French woman who has a same injurey( spinal cord injury) as this film director Mizuko, talks about her romance,sexual life, and loneliness :being hurt by the most glamorous time of life,It is told in the everyday landscape of Barcelona.

The venue is the Nezu Cozt Cafe where old-fashioned houses remain.Please watch a film in a wonderful space full of old and calm furniture and handmade items.The second half is planning a dialog session with Mr. Son’s facilitate.


【山岡瑞子 * 略歴】
【Director’s biography】
Born in Tokyo, Japan. In 1998, Move to Brooklyn, NY and graduate from Pratt Institute, got BFA in 2002. A few weeks later from graduation, injured spinal cord by car accident. Hospitalized and went back to Tokyo. Since then, wheel chair user. Studied documentary film making at The Film School of Tokyo in 2009. A member of Independent Cinema Guild(http://eiganabe.net/)

【孫大輔 * 略歴】
【Daisuke Son’s biography】
Medical doctor, lecturer at the University of Tokyo. He continues to host an activity of dialogue on health and illness issues among citizens and health professinals since 2010 (Mincle Cafe). Recently he is interested in the new approach “Open Dialogue” originated from Finland, which ease the pain and worry of mentally ill patients.